align your team. reduce bias. increase productivity.

CHronotype COLAB is an optimizer.

Studies have shown that understanding the individual circadian rhythms on your team and leading in a way that optimizes those rhythms can contribute to a better understanding of employee interactions, awareness of when individuals do their best work, rest at the right times, reduce fatigue during the workday, and ultimately, reach full performance capacity.

Click here to learn more about the Chronotype CoLab and how it can help your team reduce bias, gain productivity, and increase team dynamics.

A Chronotype is like a fingerprint.

Every individual runs on a 24-hour circadian rhythm, but there is significant variance in the timing, peaks, and troughs of this rhythm. Some of us are “early birds” and some of us are “night owls” and others are somewhere in between the morningness/eveningness continuum. This biological construct is known as your individual sleep chronotype.

Your chronotype influences more than just when you fall asleep or wake up; it also influences your energy levels throughout the day. While most individuals understand they have a natural preference for when they fall asleep or feel more awake during the day, there is low awareness of how adapting to one’s natural chronotype in the workplace can improve individual productivity, team dynamics, leadership effectiveness, and overall health and wellbeing.